Even though Motif has quite an extensive API, there are primarily just two concepts that you need to learn to benefit from using the library: map and filter. Many of the common combinations of for-loops and if-statements can be replaced by one type-safe chain of calls to map and filter methods. Let’s go through some examples to see how map and filter works.

Get only strings containing a certain substring

We have a list of strings:

List<String> strings = asList("aa", "abc", "b", "cad", "dddd");

Using idiomatic Java, this is how we would pick out all strings that contains “a”.

List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String s : strings) {
    if (s.contains("a")) {

With Motif, this can be achieved like this:

List<String> result = on(strings).filter(contains("a")).collect();

Or better yet, if you only need an Iterable you can skip the trailing call to collect():

Iterable<String> result = on(strings).filter(contains("a"));

Working with Iterables has the advantage of enabling lazy evaluation, but we will get back to that later. For now, just have in mind that you can always call collect() if you need a Java collection instead of an Iterable. The remaining Motif examples will omit calling collect().

So what is going on in the code? How was the 5 lines of idiomatic Java reduced down to just 1 line of code?

  • The on(strings) method, statically imported from Iterate, wraps the list of strings in an appropriate container, which exposes relevant methods to manipulate the list.
  • On the returned container, the filter(contains("a")) says that only we are only interested in strings that contains the “a” substring. No computation is happening here.
  • contains("a"), which is passed to the filter method, is a Predicate, statically imported from Strings. A Predicate has only one method accepting an object, in this case a String, and returns either true or false. When retrieveing strings, each of them is passed to the method on the predicate, and only when this method returns true, the string will be included. This computation happens in the collect() call.

What is a predicate?

If you are unit testing using JUnit, you are probably familiar with the assertThat(something, is(expected)) method where you pass Hamcrest matchers which tell if an object is what is expected. The assertThat implementation decides how to react to non-expected objects, i.e. fail the test, while the Hamcrest matcher does the actual evaluation of the object.

A Predicate is very similar to a Hamcrest matcher, and the separation of concerns between assertThat(..) and a Matcher is the same concept as with filter(..) and Predicate. The Predicate evaulates if objects are accepted or not, and filter(..) decides what should happen when an object is accepted or not. In the case of filter, objects accepted by the predicate is included, while the unaccepted will be omitted.

A Predicate is the expression of an if statement extracted as a composable unit.

Get persons whose name is longer than 8 characters

In Java, everything is an object encapsulating other objects. E.g. a very simplified Person class can be defined like this:

public class Person {
    public final String name;    
    public Person(String name) { this.name = name; }

And a list of persons can be obtained like this:

List<Person> persons = asList(new Person("Mary Jane"), new Person("Vicky"), new Person("Billy Bob"));

To get persons whose name is longer than 8 characters, we must check the length of each person’s name. Again, with idiomatic Java, this can be achieved with the following code:

List<Persons> result = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Person p : persons) {
    if (p.name.length > 8) {

This looks awfully similar to the previous example picking out strings containing “a”. Luckily we have Motif which lets us express this on one line of code:

Iterable<Person> result = on(persons).filter(???);

Hmm, on a List<Person>, of course the filter method takes a Predicate<Person>. It’s easy to write your own predicate to solve this. Let’s add it to Person:

public class Person {
    public final String name;
    public Person(String name) { this.name = name; }

    public static Predicate<Person> nameLengthGreaterThan(final int length) {
        return new Predicate<Person>() {
            @Override public boolean $(Person person) { return person.name.length() > length; }

Then we are able to neatly express the persons we are interested in:

Iterable<Person> result = on(persons).filter(Person.nameLengthGreaterThan(8));

Refactor domain-specific Predicate to domain-specific Fn and generic Predicate

Looking at the predicate we wrote, its implementation is a very basic greater-than comparison of two integers, and it is a pity that we have to write a whole (anonymous) class to achieve such a simple and rather generic operation. There is really nothing domain-specific about the evaluation itself, only how one of the operands is obtained with person.name.length(). If we need to compare integer values contained in an other type of object we have to write another almost identical Predicate as well!

Motif provides a number of common general purpose operations as implementations of the functional interfaces. In Strings there is the hasLength predicate to evaluate length of strings. This can be combined with the greater-than comparison greaterThan(8) which is available in Base like this: hasLength(greaterThan(8)). Also available in Base is where(Fn, Predicate), which is used to compose together the two concerns identified in the original Person-specific predicate we wrote: the domain-specific way to obtain the value, and the generic way to evaluate the value.

As we now have a way to evaluate hasLength(greaterThan(8)), we only need a way to obtain the string to evaluate. This is a function from Person to String, or an implementation of Fn<Person, String>, since we have persons, but need strings for the evaluation. Let’s replace the Predicate<Person> we wrote earlier with a Fn<Person, String>:

public class Person {
    public final String name;
    public Person(String name) { this.name = name; }

    public static final Fn<Person, String> getName = new Fn<Person, String>() {
        @Override public String $(Person person) { return person.name; }

And using where to compose this together:

Iterable<Person> result = on(persons).filter(where(Person.getName, hasLength(greaterThan(8))));

Get all names from a list of persons

To list out names of the persons, we need strings instead of persons. Again, with idiomatic Java, this can be achieved with the following code:

List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Person p : persons) {

Using Motif, this can be achieved with the map operation like this:

Iterable<String> result = on(persons).map(Person.getName);

Here we see the benefit of the refactoring we did with separating concerns between domain-specific Fn and generic Predicate: The domain-specific Fn we wrote to get persons’ names is not only applicable for use with filtering, but for any computation involving Persons and their names.

Note: the map used here has nothing to do with the Map data structure of the Java Collections Framework, but is used as an operation elements. A map operation is a 1:1 transformation, so doing a map on an amount of elements will yield the same amount of some other elements. In the case above, the mapping function is extracting the name from Person objects, resulting in a Person -> String mapping, and yielding a Iterable<String>.

To further filter the mapped list of persons, we can simply call filter:

Iterable<String> result = on(persons).map(Person.getName).filter(hasLength(greaterThan(8)));

The difference between that last example, and filtering with a where “clause” as we did earlier, is that the last example yields a list of strings (the names) instead of persons. So by providing our own getName-function, we can compose this function for various computations to yield different results based on what we need.

Good Practice

Write domain-specific Fns and reuse generic Predicates.

Favor writing Predicates for the actual type it is evaluating, and supply how to obtain the value to evaluate with a Fn.

More about Motif in general

The following section provides some general notes on the Motif implementation. It is not necessary to read to use Motif, but it is still recommended to maybe ease further exploring and learning the Motif API.

Bridging Motif with Java Collection Framework

The Java Collections Framework (JCF) is one of the most central APIs of JDK. So for Motif to be any usable, it needs to work with Java collections as seamless as possible. There are two bridging concepts for moving back and forth between Java collections and Motif: on and collect. You call one of several Iterate.on(..) methods to enable manipulation of any Java collection through the Motif API, and when an Java collection is required, you call a collect method to get the current state of the elements back into a Java collection.

Bridging methods summarized:

  • on(..) Java Collection Framework to Motif
  • collect() Motif to Java Collection Framework

Motif is lazy

The Iterable interface is shared between Java collections and Motif, so the call to collect() should be deferred as long as possible until a Java collection is really needed. By making your own code accepting Iterables instead of Collection/List/Set, as long as you does not need anything but support for iterating the elements, you will rarely need to actually call collect(). E.g. if a method only uses its passed elements in a for-loop, the method should accept an Iterable and not a Collection/List/Set.

The laziness of Motif can pretty much be ignored from a behavioral perspective, but may be interesting from a performance perspective if using large collections. Motif provides an easy way to compose how elements of a collection are viewed, and ensuring that iterating those elements only happens when necessary, preferably once. You can even pass around the iterable obtained from Iterate.on(..) for several participators to adapt, remove and/or add elements, without any iterating taking place until it arriving to for instance a final for-loop, or passed to a 3rd party framework as a Java collection obtained from calling .collect().

It is worth noting that Motif’s main focus is not on performance, but on readability, correctness, and elegance. The lazyness is merely an implementation detail which is for most practical purposes not really exposed outside of the API. If manipulating very large collections, high performance, and precise control on lazy computation are amoung your requirements, Motif may not be suitable for you. For most purposes, Motif will not have a meassurable degradation on the performance of your code.

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Version: 0.8. Last Published: 2016-03-02.

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