package no.motif;
import static no.motif.Base.first;
import static no.motif.Base.not;
import static no.motif.Base.notNull;
import static no.motif.Base.when;
import static no.motif.f.Apply.argsReversed;
import no.motif.f.Apply;
import no.motif.f.Fn;
import no.motif.f.Fn2;
import no.motif.f.Predicate;
import no.motif.f.base.FalseIfNull;
* Integer operations. Most of these operations will not fail on numbers to
* large to fit into a {@link java.lang.Integer}, only truncate as necessary.
* If operating on larger numbers, consider using the equivalent set of operations
* from the {@link Longs} class.
public final class Ints {
public static final Predicate<Integer> even = new FalseIfNull<Integer>() {
@Override public boolean orElse(Integer i) { return i % 2 == 0; }};
public static final Predicate<Integer> odd = not(even);
* Yields the {@link Number#intValue() integer value} of any number.
public static final Fn<Number, Integer> intValue = when(notNull, new Fn<Number, Integer>() {
@Override public Integer $(Number value) { return value.intValue(); }});
public static final Fn2<Number, Number, Integer> sum = first(Longs.sum).then(intValue);
public static final Fn2<Number, Number, Integer> multiply = first(Longs.multiply).then(intValue);
public static final Fn2<Number, Number, Integer> divide = first(Longs.divide).then(intValue);
public static final Fn<Number, Integer> doubled = first(Longs.doubled).then(intValue);
public static final Fn<Number, Integer> rounded = first(Longs.rounded).then(intValue);
public static final Fn<Number, Integer> increment = first(Longs.increment).then(intValue);
public static final Fn<Number, Integer> add(int value) { return when(notNull, Apply.partially(sum).of(value)); }
public static final Fn<Number, Integer> subtract(int value) { return add(value * -1); }
public static final Fn<Number, Integer> multipliedBy(int value) { return when(notNull, Apply.partially(multiply).of(value)); }
public static final Fn<Number, Integer> dividedBy(int value) { return when(notNull, Apply.partially(argsReversed(divide)).of(value)); }
private Ints() {}