package no.motif;
import static no.motif.Base.notNull;
import no.motif.f.Predicate;
import no.motif.single.A;
import no.motif.single.Optional;
import no.motif.single.Optional.None;
import no.motif.single.Optional.Some;
* Operations for working with single values.
public final class Singular {
* Wrap an object or <code>null</code> in an <code>Optional</code>.
* @param value The object to wrap. May be <code>null</code>.
* @param <V> The type of the wrapped object.
* @return {@link Some} if <code>value</code> is an object,
* {@link None} if <code>value</code> is <code>null</code>
* @see Optional
* @see Some
* @see None
public static <V> Optional<V> optional(V value) {
return Optional.resolve(notNull, value); }
* Wrap an object in an <code>Optional</code>, using a predicate to
* determine if the value should be treated as defined.
* @param <V> The type of the wrapped object.
* @param isPresent A {@link Predicate} function returning true if
* the value is considered defined or 'present'. This
* function must be able to handle <code>null</code>.
* @param value The object to wrap. May be <code>null</code>.
* @return {@link Some} if <code>value</code> is defined,
* {@link None} otherwise.
* @see Optional
* @see Some
* @see None
public static <V> Optional<V> optional(Predicate<? super V> isPresent, V value) {
return Optional.resolve(isPresent, value); }
* This will create {@link A A<V>}, for a value which is <em>not optional</em>,
* but you want to access the API for doing operations as with an {@link Optional}.
* Use this instead of an awkward call to {@link #optional(Object)} when the value is
* not in fact optional.
* @param value The value, may be anything or <code>null</code>. No
* @return The value wrapped in an {@link A}.
public static <V> A<V> the(V value) {
return Optional.some(value);
* @return The <code>None</code> instance.
public static <V> Optional<V> none() {
return None.getInstance();
private Singular() {}